Home Maintenance for Poor Families

Home Maintenance for Poor Families

An initiative launched by the Zakat Fund in 2017 that involves conducting social field studies of the homes of poor families that need to be repaired or maintained throughout the Kingdom.

Objective of the project:

Providing poor families with a safe and comfortable place to live, and freeing them from the need to pay rent elsewhere.


Low-income families, including widows, divorcees, the elderly, and broken families, as well as families of orphans.

Project Budget:

A budget is allocated for each home according to the estimate of the contractor supervising the project.

Donating to the Project:

  • Contact us through our social media channels or through the Projects Directorate at the Zakat Fund.

How to Contribute:

  • Through E-fawateercom service application, or through our account at the Islamic Jordanian Bank.

IBAN Number for Donations:

JO 63JIBA 00600015 36604410400001